Friday, June 03, 2005

Future Airline Travel

Judging by the rising costs of fuel and the ever-decreasing space in economy sections of flights, some friends and I were discussing some possible innovations in air travel. Warning: this is in reality just some flights of fancy. Not to be taken seriously!

How about making all passengers unconscious (or futuristically speaking cryogenically freezing them a la Dr. Evil) and fitting them in body size boxes and shipping them as cargo? It solves several problems at once:

From passengers point of view:

1. Instead of your legs killing you for 20 hours in 6 inches of legroom, you can sleep blissfully unaware of what is happening.
2. You arrive all refreshed at your destination.
3. In the event of a crash, this is a life saver (no pun :-0).

From airlines point of view:

1. No cost of nuts, pretzels and any other crap they serve today. No stewards and stewardesses!
2. Fit even more passengers to a flight! Maybe like a 1000.

From safety/government point of view:

1. Completely eliminates the risk of hijacking!

Of course, given the baggage handling skills of most airlines, there might be a minor problem of waking up and finding yourself in the middle of Africa!


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