Tuesday, March 08, 2005


Since just about anyone who is anyone has his/her own blog, I thought it might be a good idea to set up my own blog. So here goes ....

I have nothing in particular that I want to write down. I plan to keep this a place to record some random experiences, opinions, thoughts and theories that I come across or come up with - as and when I have some free cycles.

You know how on airplanes they announce at the beginning, ".... if you are unable or not willing to perform any duties required of you if you're in an exit row, please inform the flight attendant and we will reseat you ....". Most flights are full and late and usually well on their way to takeoff as they make this announcement. Hmmmm... wonder what the flight attendant will say and/or do?


At 8:10 AM, Blogger Arun Kumar said...

They ask ( sometimes beg ) others in the plane to exchange seats. Happened before. I guess the probability of getting some one not willing ( or not competent ) to sit in exit seat plus not finding anyone ready to exchange seats is very very low. If that happens I guess there is always some jumper seats in cockpit :)


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