Thursday, April 26, 2007

More on Guns

It is pretty unusual for me to make 2 posts on the same subject. So it is a good indication about how I feel about something.

Greatbong, in his blog Random Thoughts of a Demented Mind, makes a great point in his post: The Idiot's Got a Gun!

I quote below the last 2 paras of his post. He makes his point far more eloquently than I can hope to do - I just wanna say ... yeah, that! :-)

"In USA, however that is not the case. Propped up by the billions of dollars from the powerful gun lobby and provided protection by the literalism of conservatives who consider the Second Amendment of the US constitution (A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed) sacrosanct even though the historical reasons (the prevalent lawlessness of the times) for which the founding fathers advocated such a measure has long ceased to be relevant, objective conditions continue to exist in the country for loons like Cho Seung-Hui , after being subject to minimal background checks, to get their hands on enough hardware to fight a small war.

And for this reason, I am unable to decide who to despise more: the rambling idiot holding the gun and looking into the camera, or the vested interest fat-cats who put the gun in the pervert’s hand and profited off the lives and families destroyed by this most random and senseless act of violence."


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